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NCRTC invites application for empanelment of Film Making Agencies for 3 years


DM/ST/COR-OF/154, Package-26B

Tender No.

DM/ST/COR-OF/154, Package-26B

Name of work

Bid No. DM/ST/COR-OF/154, Package-26B : Selection of Financial Institution (FI) for Issuance of Open Loop National Common Mobility Card (NCMC) And Acquiring Services for Delhi-Ghaziabad-Meerut RRTS Corridor Of NCRTC

Mode of Tender Enquiry

Open E-Bid

Date of Publication of NIT


Type of Bidding (Single/Two Bid System)

Single Stage Two Packet System

Nos. of tenders recd.

02 1.M/s State Bank of India 2.M/s Paytm Payments Bank Limited

Nos. and names of parties qualified after technical evaluation

02 1.M/s State Bank of India 2.M/s Paytm Payments Bank Limited

Nos. and names of parties not qualified after technical evaluation


Last Date of receipt of tender


Awarded Value of Contract(In equivalent INR)

0.06% below [MDR charges (prevailing as on date of transaction) and other charges (remaining same throughout the Contract Period)

Hyperlink of Letter of Award (LOA)/Work Order

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