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NCRTC invites application for empanelment of Film Making Agencies for 3 years



Tender No.


Name of work

Bid No. DM/HR/COR-OF/091: Engagement of Manpower Service Provider for providing Support Staff at NCRTC Corporate Office in Delhi and its Project Offices in Delhi-NCR

Mode of Tender Enquiry

Open E-Bid

Date of Publication of NIT


Type of Bidding (Single/Two Bid System)

Single Stage Two Packet System

Nos. of tenders recd.

7. 1.M/s XEAM Ventures Private Limited 2.M/s GA Digital Web Word (P) Ltd. 3.M/s Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Ltd. 4.M/s Akal Information Systems Ltd. 5.M/s Sybex Support Services (P) Ltd. 6.M/s ACME Excellent Management Pvt. Ltd. 7.M/s Orion Security Solutions (P) Ltd

Nos. and names of parties qualified after technical evaluation

5. 1.M/s XEAM Ventures Private Limited 2.M/s GA Digital Web Word (P) Ltd. 3.M/s Broadcast Engineering Consultants India Ltd. 4.M/s Akal Information Systems Ltd. 5.M/s Sybex Support Services (P) LtdFollowing bidder was also qualified after technical evalaution however their financial bid was not opened since as per bid conditions the financial bid of only top five bidders was to be opened on the basis of their technical score : 1. 1.M/s ACME Excellent Management Pvt. Ltd

Nos. and names of parties not qualified after technical evaluation

1. 1.M/s Orion Security Solutions (P) Ltd

Last Date of receipt of tender


Awarded Value of Contract(In equivalent INR)

INR 78,408,784.00

Hyperlink of Letter of Award (LOA)/Work Order